Mosquito Yard Treatment - Mosquito Tek LLC

Mosquito Yard Treatment

Cleaning Bird Baths helps with Mosquito Yard Treatment
Source Reduction: Clean Bird Baths

Many people try to prevent mosquitoes by using bug candles and bug lights. While these measures can reduce the number of mosquitoes in your yard, they will not completely eliminate the mosquitoes. At Mosquito Tek, we take the necessary steps to keep your yard mosquito free. This means that we perform an inspection of your yard and identify problem areas. We understand that an effective mosquito yard treatment would have at least these elements:

  • Source Reduction: This can be as simple as emptying water from containers around the home.  For example, homeowners can eliminate mosquito breeding grounds by removing unused plastic pools, old tires, buckets, clearing clogged gutters, changing water in bird baths and by filling or draining puddles, swampy areas and tree stumps.
  • Larviciding: Control of larvae is best accomplished by a professional like Mosquito Tek since it may involve applying various substances (poisons for example) which need to be handled with care. Usually the larvicide is applied to standing water since this where mosquitoes breed.
  • Adulticiding: Control of adult mosquitoes is the most familiar aspect of mosquito control to most of the public. It is accomplished by ground-based or aerial application of various substances which need special care. Again, a professional like Mosquito Tek can accomplish this type of mosquito yard control for you with guaranteed results.

Mosquito Tek Barrier + Plus Service = Excellent Mosquito Yard Treatment

We recognize that in order to control a pest we must identify it first. There are 3000 mosquito species and different species need different types of control. Our Mosquito Yard Treatment includes these steps:



A Conventional Mosquito Yard Treatment for Everyone

  1. A 21-Day Mosquito Barrier Program
    21-Day Service Cycle, Full-Season 2018 Barrier Spray Programs
    Service starting the week of March 30th – 10 Treatments and Mosquito Free Living guaranteed throughout October.
  2. 9 Treatment Programs: 2018 Sample schedules include 4/6-9/21, 4/13-9/28, 4/20-10/5
  3. 8 Treatment Programs: 2018 Sample Schedules include 4/13-9/7, 4/20-9/14, 4/27-9/21
  4. More options available – All programs are custom built to fit the needs, budget and preferences of our clients


An Organic Compliant Mosquito Yard Treatment Program for Everyone

  1. A 14 or 21-Day Service Cycle: Full-Season 2015 Barrier Spray Programs start the week of March 30th. 10 – 14 Treatments and Mosquito Free Living guaranteed through October.
  2. 12-14 Treatment Programs: – Bi-Weekly, Organic Compliant or Conventional Products 2018 Sample schedules include 3/30-9/28 (14), 4/6-9/21 (13), 4/13-9/14 (12)
  3. 9 Treatment Program: 21-Day Cycle 2018 Sample schedules include 4/6-9/21, 4/13-9/28, 4/20-10/5
  4. More options available – All programs are custom built to fit the needs, budget and preferences of our clients.


Weddings, Special Events, Weekend Guests – Whatever the reason we can provide an individual service any time to eliminate mosquitoes and other nuisance pests for 2-3 weeks at a time. Mosquito Tek’s Special Event Barrier Spray is the perfect choice for weddings, graduation parties, corporate outings, family reunions, pool parties, birthday parties or any outdoor gathering where mosquitoes, no-see-ums, biting flies and stinging insects may be active.

Our Special Event Barrier Spray is formulated to lay down an extra barrier of repellent protection to ensure you and your guests are free of mosquitoes and biting, stinging insects day and night throughout your entire event.

Just contact us when you are planning your event and MosquitoTek will take care of the rest. Our courteous, knowledgeable staff knows how important special events are. We will communicate with you, the venue, the rental company and caterer where applicable. Our uniformed applicators will arrive up to 48-72 hours prior to your function based on venue schedule and tent installations to treat all designated areas ensuring you and your guests enjoy a mosquito-free party. Guaranteed.

  • Same or Next Day Service

    Same Day Service
    Call us before noon Monday to Friday, and we’ll treat your yard the same day!

    Coupon - 10% off

    100% Money Back Satisfaction Guarantee

    Satisfaction GuaranteedIf you’re unsatisfied with the treatment in any way, we have a 100% money back guarantee.  So there is no risk to you!

  • Mosquito Tek Corporate Offices

    2210 Page Rd
    Raleigh, NC 27703
    Phone: 919-813-6749

    Mosquito Tek LLC

    1502 N Duke St
    Durham, NC 27701
    Phone: 919-323-3901

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