How does the treatment work?
The treatments work by effectively eliminating all adult mosquitoes onsite and by leaving a residue on the foliage and and vegetation that we spray to provide up to 3 weeks of complete control.
What is included in the treatment process?
As a part of service we do four key things each time:
- Assess the environment & identify the target pest (usually mosquitoes).
- Identify and mitigate potential breeding sites.
- Apply larvicide to any breeding sites that cannot be simply eliminated without treatment (i.e. emptying any vessel holding water).
- Provide thorough treatment of all adult mosquito harborage areas by misting the bushes, ground cover, trees, throughout the lower canopy branches as well as lightly spraying turf areas as needed. Undergrowth, wood lines and dense areas of native vegetation are also sprayed. Treatments vary at each individual property based on landscape, environment, exposure, etc…
Do I need an onsite consultation?
No. But if preferred an onsite consultation can be arranged prior to or in conjunction with the first scheduled treatment.
What do you do about standing water?
We use a system of integrated pest management strategies with all of our services. We eliminate the standing water (empty the vessel) or treat w/ Bti Briquets or Altosid Pro-G.
How long does the service take?
The average application time is about 30 minutes. Larger properties may take up to an hour or more.
Does anyone need to be home?
No—provided we have access to any fenced areas and domestic animals are kept indoors our clients are not required to be home. You will receive notification via email 24 to 48 hours prior to each scheduled appointment (unless otherwise requested). After each service the technician will leave a courtesy card indicating the date and time services were completed.
How often does my property need service?
We recommend treatment every 21 days with our conventional products but also offer a biweekly program. The organic compliant products are best suited for use on a biweekly schedule. Please contact us for a free consultation.
What products are you using? What is in the products you are using?
We use several products based on the preferences of our clients. Product selection is also based on the needs of each individual property depending on the exposure, environment, target pest and existing conditions. We offer a conventional spray that is both highly effective and extremely long lasting, but we also offer an organic spray that is environmentally safe and effective.
What does “organic compliant” mean?
Organic compliant means the product adheres to the rules and regulations set forth by the National Organics Program (NOP) and is safe for use in and around food crops and maintains organic compliance on properties where that is a requirement.
Does the organic compliant product work as well as the conventional product?
Yes. The organic compliant product is a labeled pesticide designed to actively kill adult mosquitoes. It will leave a residue to provide lasting protection up to 14 days. It does break down faster than the conventional product so is best suited for biweekly service. Our conventional product offers the same active-kill protection with a better residual barrier which is typically effective up to 21 days.
What’s the “hybrid program”?
With the hybrid program, we use both organic compliant and conventional products. The organic compliant spray is applied to more sensitive areas (frequented by people and pets), while the conventional spray is applied in non-contact, less used or wooded areas of the property.
Can my edible garden be treated?
If absolutely necessary, the organic compliant product is labeled safe for use in such areas.
Is it safe for my landscaping, plants, trees and ornamentals?
Yes. Both the organic and conventional products are safe for the plants in your yard. We do not spray open blooms or flowering perennials and annuals because they usually get good light and attract beneficial insects and pollinators.
Are both products safe for me, my kids, pets, ponds, chickens, wildlife, etc.?
Yes. All of our products and services are safe for people, pets and other life in the area. We REQUIRE the following dry times before resuming normal outdoor activities.
- Conventional spray: 45 minutes-1 hour
- Organic compliant spray: 15-30 minutes
- ***Dry times vary.***
Will my neighbors or their pets and property be affected by the spray?
No. Our solutions are water-based and with proper application the products will not drift.
Is there any smell associated with the products? When will it subside?
The organic compliant product does produce a sweet minty scent that lasts approximately one day. The conventional product is odor free.
Does treatment get rid of other pests (i.e. fleas, ticks, ants, whiteflies)
Mosquito Tek is licensed to offer many types of pest control in and around your property. Please contact us for a free consultation.
What if it rains the day of my scheduled service?
If it rains the day of service, your appointment will be rescheduled and you will receive new appointment information from our office.
What if the treatment doesn’t work to my satisfaction?
Mosquito Tek is proud to offer the most comprehensive guarantee in the industry. If dissatisfied with the level of service or effectiveness of the treatment, we will gladly re-spray at no additional charge. If we cannot rectify the issue or you choose to discontinue service, we will fully refund any monies owed. With a Mosquito Tek Service Agreement there are never any contracts or commitments.
Is the guarantee the same for all the mosquito control programs you offer?
Yes. Mosquito free GUARANTEED.
Do you service commercial accounts, daycare centers, common areas and pool areas?
Yes. Our organic compliant product makes us uniquely qualified to service daycare/childcare facilities, restaurants/outdoor dining areas and public recreational areas. Please contact Mosquito Tek for further information.
How much do your services cost?
Services start as low as $45-$49 per application (in some cases we offer neighborhood pricing that can be even lower). Please contact Mosquito Tek for further information.
What are my payment options?
Online payments are accepted through an Intuit Payment link on your invoice. You can make credit card payments over the phone. You can send in a check by mail or in person. Cash.
Mosquito Control Questions
What types of diseases do mosquitoes carry?
Mosquitoes carry a number of serious diseases. The most common in the area are the West Nile virus and St. Louis encephalitis. However, in other parts of the world, you may catch malaria, the Zika Virus, chikungunya, yellow fever and tularemia from mosquitoes.
How can I stop mosquitoes from breeding in my yard?
There are a few things you can do to reduce the number of mosquitoes in your yard. The first is to keep your lawn short and your bushes trimmed, since this will help dry out the soil and give the mosquitoes fewer places to breed. Another option is to plant geraniums, lavender and marigolds as these plants naturally repel mosquitoes. You can also schedule a mosquito treatment.
How can I prevent mosquito bites?
The most effective way to prevent mosquito bites is to wear mosquito repellent. Insect repellent that contains DEET will protect you against mosquitoes and ticks very effectively. Picaridin is another repellent that is also very effective at repelling mosquitoes.
Are mosquitoes more attracted to certain types of food?
Mosquitoes are attracted to people who have recently had a beer. They are also attracted to people who have eaten food high in potassium like bananas. Mosquitoes also like people who enjoy salty and sweet snacks, as well as pickled vegetables.
Do certain types of plants prevent mosquitoes?
There are some plants that are natural mosquito repellents. If you plan your garden and plant these near the areas where you like to sit outside, you may be able to reduce the number of mosquitoes that bother you. These include catnip, peppermint, geraniums, lavender, basil and marigolds.
Can I get the Zika virus in the Triangle?
In 2016, there were 103 reported cases of the Zika virus in North Carolina and 8 in 2017. However, all of these cases were a result of traveling outside of the country. There has not been a known transmission of the Zika virus by mosquito inside of the state.
What are symptoms of the West Nile Virus?
The West Nile virus generally starts with a fever and a headache. The patient may also be experiencing body aches, swollen lymph nodes and a rash. If the patient develops a stiff neck, convulsions or disorientation, seek medical help immediately.
How can I stop mosquito bites from itching?
There are a number of ways that you can stop mosquito bites from itching. You can apply ice to the mosquito bite to reduce the itching and swelling. You can also use topical creams or take an over-the-counter antihistamine. Aloe vera gel and steroid creams can help too.
When am I most likely to get bitten by a mosquito?
Mosquitoes are the most active during the hours around dawn and dusk. You may be able to avoid being bitten by staying inside during those times. If you do need to be out, be sure to apply insect repellent and to dress in light colored clothes.
How many types of mosquitoes are there?
There are more than 3000 different types of mosquitoes throughout the world. In the United States there are about 175. In North Carolina, researchers have positively identified sixty different species of mosquito. However, some are very rare and some rarely bite people.
Flea Control Questions
Can fleas spread diseases to people?
Yes. Fleas are known carriers of diseases and can spread those to humans. The plague is a disease that is spread through the bite of fleas. Typhus is also spread to humans, with most cases in the United States appearing in the southwest. Tularemia and tungiansis can also be transmitted.
How often should I check my pet for fleas?
If you are giving your pet a preventative flea treatment, you do not need to worry about checking for fleas on a regular basis. However, if they are scratching more than usual and seem miserable, it is a good idea to check. You can look for movement in their fur or use a flea comb to see if you catch any fleas. Immediately dip the comb into soapy water so that you kill the fleas on it.
How high can a flea jump?
A flea can jump up to seven inches high and more than a foot away from where it was. Considering their small size, this is quite a distance. Fleas are considered the second-best jumper in the animal kingdom. They can jump about 120 times the length of their body. This is an enormous amount if you put it into perspective.
Do fleas fly?
Fleas cannot fly. They do not have wings and use jumping as their primary means of getting around. They may occasionally crawl or climb walls, and they will crawl on their victim, but if they are moving to a new victim then they will jump in order to get there.
Where do my pets get fleas?
Your pets can pick up fleas from a number of different places. It is not uncommon for fleas to be spread at the vet’s or the groomer’s, which is why the groomer may require your pet to have regular flea preventative treatments if you bring them in. They can also pick them up from your yard outside, a doggy daycare or kennel or even at the dog park.
Can fleas live on people?
Fleas do not live on people. While they will bite people and feed on them, they will jump off shortly after feeding. They will live on your pets though, which is why you will need to treat your pets if they have fleas. You do not need to worry about treating people in your family though.
How do I stop fleas from becoming an issue?
The best way to stop fleas from becoming an issue is to use a preventative treatment. You can treat your pets with an oral medication, drops you apply to their backs or a flea collar. Your vet can help you determine the best option for your pet. You can also treat your yard to reduce the chance of your pet picking up fleas while spending time outside.
Do I need to treat my home for fleas if they are on my pet?
Fleas can live in your carpet, on your upholstery and in any bedding that your pet may have sat on. Additionally, flea eggs will fall off your pet as they wander around. A single female flea can lay up to fifty eggs a day. The eggs will hatch wherever they land, which means you may have flea larvae in your carpet and not realize it. It is important to treat your home, as well as your pets, to stop a flea infestation.
What are complications my pets can get from fleas?
There are many complications that can arise when your pets get fleas. They can become sick from things like cat scratch fever and tapeworms. They can become anemic from the number bites that they receive. They may also develop hot spots where they scratch themselves raw. If this happens, you may need to take them to the vet.
How many types of fleas are there?
There are more than 2000 types of fleas in the world. Cat fleas (Ctenocephalis felix) and dog fleas (Ctenocephalides canis) are the ones that will most likely bother your pets. Human fleas scientifically known as Pulex irritans are not very common in the United States.
Tick Control Questions
What is the most common tick-borne illness in North Carolina?
Rocky Mountain spotted fever is the most common tick-borne illness in North Carolina. In fact, North Carolina is usually one of the states with the most reported cases of Rocky Mountain spotted fever each year. Lyme disease is another tick-borne illness that is common in North Carolina.
What are signs that I have Lyme disease?
Lyme disease can take up to a month to begin to show symptoms. It generally starts with a fever and general aches and pains. A bull’s eye rash may develop a few days after the fever starts. If the rash develops, it is a good indicator that you have Lyme’s disease and you should seek medical care. However, about a quarter of the cases do not develop a rash. There is a blood test that can confirm if you have Lyme disease. It needs to be treated with an antibiotic or it will continue to get worse.
How do I remove a tick?
It is important to remove the entire tick, because any part that is still embedded can cause an infection. Take a pair of tweezers and grasp the tick tightly and then pull back in a slow, steady motion so that the tick detaches. Do not twist or the head will detach from the body. Kill the tick with alcohol and clean the area with rubbing alcohol once the tick is removed. You can also use a tick key to remove a tick.
Should I remove a tick by rubbing it with petroleum jelly?
It is not safe to put petroleum jelly or gasoline on the back of the tick. This may cause them to regurgitate into you, which increases the chances of diseases being spread. Applying a burned match to the tick can have the same effect. Be sure to use tweezers to safely remove the tick.
How many types of ticks are in the United States?
There are about 90 species of ticks in the United States. There are more than 850 species throughout the world. However, not all ticks spread diseases and some do not feed on people. The American dog tick, blacklegged tick, Lone Star tick and Gulf Coast tick are common ticks that spread disease in this region.
Can ticks live through the winter?
Some ticks will essentially hibernate during the winter. They will find a place where they can stay relatively warm and be inactive until the weather warms back up. Other ticks will continue to be active as long as the temperature is above freezing. Ticks can generally survive freezing temperatures if they find a place to shelter.
Is there a time of year when ticks are most dangerous?
Tick activity tends to increase in the spring when seed ticks (very small ticks) tend to come out for their first feed. Ticks also become more active in the fall as they prepare to either lay eggs or get ready for the winter months. However, ticks can be active year round.
How do I check for ticks?
First, you should check your clothing for ticks as soon as you get home. They may not have attached to you yet. Next, you will need to check under your arms, between your legs, at the back of your knees and around your waist for ticks. It is also important to check your hairline or to have someone check it for you.
How can I keep ticks out of my yard?
One of the best ways to keep ticks out of your yard is to treat for ticks. The tick treatment will create a barrier that ticks cannot cross without it killing them. You can reduce ticks in your yard by cleaning out leaf debris, and keeping your lawn short and your bushes trimmed back.
What complications can develop from a tick bite?
There are a number of tick-borne illnesses that can cause lasting complications such as Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever. The bite itself might also become infected, especially if the head of the tick is accidentally left behind when the tick is removed.